In this age of doubt, we still need faith.

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import processing.core.*; import processing.data.*; import processing.event.*; import processing.opengl.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.io.File; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.IOException; public class layer_size_velocity_opacity extends PApplet { int num = 24; float s = 3; float reflex = 0.3f; float aperture = 64; int bg = color(255, 0, 0); int fg1 = color(255, 0, 0); int fg2 = color(255, 0, 0); public void setup() { /* size commented out by preprocessor */; noStroke(); frameRate(25); aa = new float[8]; bb = new float[aa.length]; reset(); } public void mouseClicked() { reset(); } float t = 0; float[] aa; // great naming conventions, I know... float[] bb; float transition = 0; public void reset() { for (int i = 0; i<bb.length; i++) { float v = random(1, 8); bb[i] = aa[i]; aa[i] = random(2)<1?v:-v; } transition = 1; } public void draw() { t+=0.0008f; background(0); transition*=(1-reflex); for (float v = 0; v<num; v++) { for (float u = 0; u<num; u++) { float h = 42 *sin((aa[0]*u-aa[1]*v)/num+4.2f*aa[4]*t+aa[6]) *cos((aa[2]*v+aa[3]*u )/num+aa[5]*t+aa[7]); float h2 = 42 *sin((bb[0]*u-bb[1]*v)/num+4.2f*bb[4]*t+bb[6]) *cos((bb[2]*v+bb[3]*u )/num+bb[5]*t+bb[7]); h = lerp(h, h2, transition); float u1 = u/num*2-1; float v1 = v/num*2-1; float u2 = cos(t)*u1 + sin(t)*v1; float v2 = sin(t)*u1 - cos(t)*v1; // transformation after transformation, I'm not entirely sure what's going on here anymore. #dontTouchItItWorks float u3 = u2/2+0.5f; float v3 = v2/2+0.5f; float x = u3*min(width, height); float y = v3*min(width, height); float a = x-y; float b = x+y; pushMatrix(); translate(0, 0); translate(width/2, 0); float dist = 1.5f-b/2/height-h/500; scale(atan(1/dist)*3.4f); // a little math, but mostly magic translate(-width/2, -height/3.5f); float blur = (1-dist)*aperture; fill(lerpColor(fg1, fg2, constrain(map(blur, -aperture/3, aperture/2, 0, 1), 0, 1)), // blend the colors min(s*255/max(sq(blur/2)*2, 1), 255)); // add transparency translate(0, -h); // creates the waves ellipse(a/4+width/2, b/42+height/2, max(abs(blur), s), max(abs(blur), s)); popMatrix(); } } } public void settings() { size(1200, 640); } static public void main(String[] passedArgs) { String[] appletArgs = new String[] { "layer_size_velocity_opacity" }; if (passedArgs != null) { PApplet.main(concat(appletArgs, passedArgs)); } else { PApplet.main(appletArgs); } } }